I’m Matias Fontanini, a Software Engineer from Argentina. I’m currently working at ThousandEyes where I develop tools to measure network properties by crafting, sending and receiving packets, implement some outage detection systems and some random other work.

C++ is my main programming language. I like template metaprogramming and try to stay up to date with the new standard releases. Python is my goto language whenever I need to automate some tedious task or need to write something quickly.

In the past, I’ve worked on security, mostly network security and penetration testing. I like staring at code and find issues and ways to exploit it.


The main projects I’ve worked on are:

  • libtins: a fast C++ packet crafting and sniffing library.
  • cppkafka: a C++11 wrapper for librdkafka.
  • dot11decrypt: A tiny tool that mostly relies on libtins WEP/WPA2 decryption capabilities to perform on the fly decryption of 802.11 encrypted frames.
  • I also have a repository that contains random scripts and stuff that I’ve worked on and didn’t really deserve their own repo (or at least I that’s what I thought at the time).


I used to post stuff in my blog but I’ve decided to only write here now.