
This guide teaches you how to use presenterm. At this point you should have already installed presenterm, otherwise visit the installation guide to get started.

Quick start

Download the demo presentation and run it using:

git clone
cd presenterm
presenterm examples/


A presentation in presenterm is a single markdown file. Every slide in the presentation file is delimited by a line that contains a single HTML comment:

<!-- end_slide -->

Presentations can contain most commonly used markdown elements such as ordered and unordered lists, headings, formatted text (bold, italics, strikethrough, inline code, etc), code blocks, block quotes, tables, etc.


Images are supported and will render in your terminal as long as it supports either the iterm2 image protocol, the kitty graphics protocol, or sixel. Some of the terminals where at least one of these is supported are:

  • kitty
  • iterm2
  • wezterm
  • foot

Note that sixel support is experimental so it needs to be explicitly enabled via the sixel configuration flag:

cargo build --release --features sixel

Note: this feature flag is only needed if your terminal emulator only supports sixel. Many terminals support the kitty or iterm2 protocols so this isn't necessary.

Things you should know when using image tags in your presentation's markdown are:

  • Image paths are relative to your presentation path. That is a tag like ![](food/potato.png) will be looked up at $PRESENTATION_DIRECTORY/food/potato.png.
  • Images will be rendered in their original size. That is, if your terminal is 300x200px and your image is 200x100px, it will take up 66% of your horizontal space and 50% of your vertical space.
  • The exception to the point above is if the image does not fit in your terminal, it will be resized accordingly while preserving the aspect ratio.
  • If your terminal does not support any of the graphics protocol above, images will be rendered using ascii blocks. It ain't great but it's something!

Protocol detection

By default the image protocol to be used will be automatically detected. In cases where this detection fails (e.g. when running inside tmux), you can set it manually via the --image-protocol parameter or by setting it in the config file.


Besides the standard markdown elements, presenterm supports a few extensions.

Introduction slide

By setting a front matter at the beginning of your presentation, you can configure the title, sub title, and author of your presentation and implicitly create an introduction slide:

title: My first presentation
sub_title: (in presenterm!)
author: Myself

All of these attributes are optional so you're not forced to set them all.

Slide titles

Any setext header will be considered to be a slide title and will be rendered in a more slide-title-looking way. By default this means it will be centered, some vertical padding will be added and the text color will be different.


Note: see the themes section on how to customize the looks of slide titles and any other element in a presentation.


Pauses allow the sections of the content in your slide to only show up when you advance in your presentation. That is, only after you press, say, the right arrow will a section of the slide show up. This can be done by the pause comment command:

<!-- pause -->

Ending slides

While other applications use a thematic break (---) to mark the end of a slide, presenterm uses a special end_slide HTML comment:

<!-- end_slide -->

This makes the end of a slide more explicit and easy to spot while you're editing your presentation. See the configuration if you want to customize this behavior.

If you really would prefer to use thematic breaks (---) to delimit slides, you can do that by enabling the end_slide_shorthand options.

Jumping to the vertical center

The command jump_to_vertical_center lets you jump to the middle of the page vertically. This is useful in combination with slide titles to create separator slides:


<!-- end_slide -->

<!-- jump_to_middle -->

Farming potatoes

<!-- end_slide -->

This will create a slide with the text "Farming potatoes" in the center, rendered using the slide title style.

Explicit new lines

The newline/new_line and newlines/new_lines commands allow you to explicitly create new lines. Because markdown ignores multiple line breaks in a row, this is useful to create some spacing where necessary:


<!-- new_lines: 10 -->


<!-- new_line -->


Incremental lists

Using <!-- pause --> in between each bullet point a list is a bit tedious so instead you can use the incremental_lists command to tell presenterm that until the end of the current slide you want each individual bullet point to appear only after you move to the next slide:

<!-- incremental_lists: true -->

* this
* appears
* one after
* the other

<!-- incremental_lists: false -->

* this appears
* all at once

Key bindings

Navigation within a presentation should be intuitive: jumping to the next/previous slide can be done by using the arrow keys, hjkl, and page up/down keys.

Besides this:

  • Jumping to the first slide: gg.
  • Jumping to the last slide: G.
  • Jumping to a specific slide: <slide-number>G.
  • Exit the presentation: <ctrl>c.

Configuring key bindings

If you don't like the default key bindings, you can override them in the configuration file.


presenterm currently has 2 modals that can provide some information while running the application. Modals can be toggled using some key combination and can be hidden using the escape key by default, but these can be configured via the configuration file key bindings.

Slide index modal

This modal can be toggled by default using control+p and lets you see an index that contains a row for every slide in the presentation, including its title and slide index. This allows you to find a slide you're trying to jump to quicklier rather than scanning through each of them.


Key bindings modal

The key bindings modal displays the key bindings for each of the supported actions.

Hot reload

Unless you run in presentation mode by passing in the --present parameter, presenterm will automatically reload your presentation file every time you save it. presenterm will also automatically detect which specific slide was modified and jump to it so you don't have to be jumping back and forth between the source markdown and the presentation to see how the changes look like.
