
presenterm works on Linux, macOS, and Windows and can be installed in different ways:

The recommended way to install presenterm is to download the latest pre-built version for your system from the releases page.

Install via cargo

Alternatively, download rust and run:

cargo install presenterm

Latest unreleased version

To install from the latest source code run:

cargo install --git


Install the latest version in macOS via brew by running:

brew install presenterm


To install presenterm using the Nix package manager run:

nix-env -iA nixos.presenterm    # for nixos
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.presenterm  # for non-nixos

Or, you can install it by adding the following to your configuration.nix if you are on NixOS

environment.systemPackages = [

Alternatively if you're a Nix user using flakes you can run:

nix run nixpkgs#presenterm            # to run from nixpkgs
nix run github:mfontanini/presenterm  # to run from github repo

For more information see nixpkgs

Arch linux repository (Aur)

presenterm is also available in the AUR. You can use any AUR helper to install:

paru/yay -S presenterm-bin

Building from git

paru/yay -S presenterm-git


Install the latest version in Scoop via Scoop by running:

scoop install presenterm