Comment commands

presenterm uses "comment commands" in the form of HTML comments to let the user specify certain behaviors that can't be specified by vanilla markdown.


Pauses allow the sections of the content in your slide to only show up when you advance in your presentation. That is, only after you press, say, the right arrow will a section of the slide show up. This can be done by the pause comment command:

<!-- pause -->

Font size

The font size can be changed by using the font_size command:

<!-- font_size: 2 -->

This causes the remainder of the slide to use the font size specified. The font size can range from 1 to 7, 1 being the default.

![note] This is currently only supported in the kitty terminal and only as of version 0.40.0. See the notes on font sizes on the introduction page for more information on this.

Jumping to the vertical center

The command jump_to_middle lets you jump to the middle of the page vertically. This is useful in combination with slide titles to create separator slides:


<!-- end_slide -->

<!-- jump_to_middle -->

Farming potatoes

<!-- end_slide -->

This will create a slide with the text "Farming potatoes" in the center, rendered using the slide title style.

Explicit new lines

The newline/new_line and newlines/new_lines commands allow you to explicitly create new lines. Because markdown ignores multiple line breaks in a row, this is useful to create some spacing where necessary:


<!-- new_lines: 10 -->


<!-- new_line -->


Incremental lists

Using <!-- pause --> in between each bullet point a list is a bit tedious so instead you can use the incremental_lists command to tell presenterm that until the end of the current slide you want each individual bullet point to appear only after you move to the next slide:

<!-- incremental_lists: true -->

* this
* appears
* one after
* the other

<!-- incremental_lists: false -->

* this appears
* all at once

If you don't want the footer to show up in some particular slide for some reason, you can use the no_footer command:

<!-- no_footer -->