
presenterm lets you create presentations in markdown format and run them from your terminal, with support for image and animated gif support, highly customizable themes, code highlighting, exporting presentations into PDF format, and plenty of other features.


This is how the demo presentation looks like:


A few other example presentations can be found here.


presenterm works on Linux, macOS, and Windows and can be installed in different ways:

The recommended way to install presenterm is to download the latest pre-built version for your system from the releases page.

Install via cargo

Alternatively, download rust and run:

cargo install --locked presenterm

Latest unreleased version

To install from the latest source code run:

cargo install --git


Install the latest version in macOS via brew by running:

brew install presenterm


To install presenterm using the Nix package manager run:

nix-env -iA nixos.presenterm    # for nixos
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.presenterm  # for non-nixos

Or, you can install it by adding the following to your configuration.nix if you are on NixOS

environment.systemPackages = [

Alternatively if you're a Nix user using flakes you can run:

nix run nixpkgs#presenterm            # to run from nixpkgs
nix run github:mfontanini/presenterm  # to run from github repo

For more information see nixpkgs

Arch Linux

presenterm is available in the official repositories. You can use pacman to install as follows:

pacman -S presenterm

Binary release

Alternatively, you can use any AUR helper to install the upstream binaries:

paru/yay -S presenterm-bin

Building from git

paru/yay -S presenterm-git


Install the latest version in Scoop via Scoop by running:

scoop install presenterm


This guide teaches you how to use presenterm. At this point you should have already installed presenterm, otherwise visit the installation guide to get started.

Quick start

Download the demo presentation and run it using:

git clone
cd presenterm
presenterm examples/


A presentation in presenterm is a single markdown file. Every slide in the presentation file is delimited by a line that contains a single HTML comment:

<!-- end_slide -->

Presentations can contain most commonly used markdown elements such as ordered and unordered lists, headings, formatted text (bold, italics, strikethrough, inline code, etc), code blocks, block quotes, tables, etc.


Images are supported and will render in your terminal as long as it supports either the iterm2 image protocol, the kitty graphics protocol, or sixel. Some of the terminals where at least one of these is supported are:

  • kitty
  • iterm2
  • wezterm
  • foot

Note that sixel support is experimental so it needs to be explicitly enabled via the sixel configuration flag:

cargo build --release --features sixel

Note: this feature flag is only needed if your terminal emulator only supports sixel. Many terminals support the kitty or iterm2 protocols so this isn't necessary.

Things you should know when using image tags in your presentation's markdown are:

  • Image paths are relative to your presentation path. That is a tag like ![](food/potato.png) will be looked up at $PRESENTATION_DIRECTORY/food/potato.png.
  • Images will be rendered by default in their original size. That is, if your terminal is 300x200px and your image is 200x100px, it will take up 66% of your horizontal space and 50% of your vertical space.
  • The exception to the point above is if the image does not fit in your terminal, it will be resized accordingly while preserving the aspect ratio.
  • If your terminal does not support any of the graphics protocol above, images will be rendered using ascii blocks. It ain't great but it's something!

Image size

The size of each image can be set by using the image:width or image:w attributes in the image tag. For example, the following will cause the image to take up 50% of the terminal width:


The image will always be scaled to preserve its aspect ratio and it will not be allowed to overflow vertically nor horizontally.

Protocol detection

By default the image protocol to be used will be automatically detected. In cases where this detection fails (e.g. when running inside tmux), you can set it manually via the --image-protocol parameter or by setting it in the config file.


Besides the standard markdown elements, presenterm supports a few extensions.

Introduction slide

By setting a front matter at the beginning of your presentation, you can configure the title, sub title, and author of your presentation and implicitly create an introduction slide:

title: My first presentation
sub_title: (in presenterm!)
author: Myself

All of these attributes are optional so you're not forced to set them all.

Multiple authors

If you're creating a presentation in which there's multiple authors, you can use the authors key instead of author and list them all this way:

title: Our first presentation
  - Me
  - You

Slide titles

Any setext header will be considered to be a slide title and will be rendered in a more slide-title-looking way. By default this means it will be centered, some vertical padding will be added and the text color will be different.


Note: see the themes section on how to customize the looks of slide titles and any other element in a presentation.


Pauses allow the sections of the content in your slide to only show up when you advance in your presentation. That is, only after you press, say, the right arrow will a section of the slide show up. This can be done by the pause comment command:

<!-- pause -->

Ending slides

While other applications use a thematic break (---) to mark the end of a slide, presenterm uses a special end_slide HTML comment:

<!-- end_slide -->

This makes the end of a slide more explicit and easy to spot while you're editing your presentation. See the configuration if you want to customize this behavior.

If you really would prefer to use thematic breaks (---) to delimit slides, you can do that by enabling the end_slide_shorthand options.

Jumping to the vertical center

The command jump_to_middle lets you jump to the middle of the page vertically. This is useful in combination with slide titles to create separator slides:


<!-- end_slide -->

<!-- jump_to_middle -->

Farming potatoes

<!-- end_slide -->

This will create a slide with the text "Farming potatoes" in the center, rendered using the slide title style.

Explicit new lines

The newline/new_line and newlines/new_lines commands allow you to explicitly create new lines. Because markdown ignores multiple line breaks in a row, this is useful to create some spacing where necessary:


<!-- new_lines: 10 -->


<!-- new_line -->


Incremental lists

Using <!-- pause --> in between each bullet point a list is a bit tedious so instead you can use the incremental_lists command to tell presenterm that until the end of the current slide you want each individual bullet point to appear only after you move to the next slide:

<!-- incremental_lists: true -->

* this
* appears
* one after
* the other

<!-- incremental_lists: false -->

* this appears
* all at once

Key bindings

Navigation within a presentation should be intuitive: jumping to the next/previous slide can be done by using the arrow keys, hjkl, and page up/down keys.

Besides this:

  • Jumping to the first slide: gg.
  • Jumping to the last slide: G.
  • Jumping to a specific slide: <slide-number>G.
  • Exit the presentation: <ctrl>c.

Configuring key bindings

If you don't like the default key bindings, you can override them in the configuration file.


presenterm currently has 2 modals that can provide some information while running the application. Modals can be toggled using some key combination and can be hidden using the escape key by default, but these can be configured via the configuration file key bindings.

Slide index modal

This modal can be toggled by default using control+p and lets you see an index that contains a row for every slide in the presentation, including its title and slide index. This allows you to find a slide you're trying to jump to quicklier rather than scanning through each of them.


Key bindings modal

The key bindings modal displays the key bindings for each of the supported actions.

Hot reload

Unless you run in presentation mode by passing in the --present parameter, presenterm will automatically reload your presentation file every time you save it. presenterm will also automatically detect which specific slide was modified and jump to it so you don't have to be jumping back and forth between the source markdown and the presentation to see how the changes look like.



Themes are defined in the form of yaml files. A few built-in themes are defined in the themes directory, but others can be created and referenced directly in every presentation.

Setting themes

There's various ways of setting the theme you want in your presentation:


Passing in the --theme parameter when running presenterm to select one of the built-in themes.

Within the presentation

The presentation's markdown file can contain a front matter that specifies the theme to use. This comes in 3 flavors:

By name

Using a built-in theme name makes your presentation use that one regardless of what the default or what the --theme option specifies:

  name: dark
By path

You can define a theme file in yaml format somewhere in your filesystem and reference it within the presentation:

  path: /home/me/Documents/epic-theme.yaml

You can partially/completely override the theme in use from within the presentation:

        foreground: "beeeff"

This lets you:

  1. Create a unique style for your presentation without having to go through the process of taking an existing theme, copying somewhere, and changing it when you only expect to use it for that one presentation.
  2. Iterate quickly on styles given overrides are reloaded whenever you save your presentation file.

Built-in themes

A few built-in themes are bundled with the application binary, meaning you don't need to have any external files available to use them. These are packed as part of the build process as a binary blob and are decoded on demand only when used.

Currently, the following themes are supported:

  • dark: A dark theme.
  • light: A light theme.
  • tokyonight-storm: A theme inspired by the colors used in toyonight.
  • A set of themes based on the catppuccin color palette:
    • catppuccin-latte
    • catppuccin-frappe
    • catppuccin-macchiato
    • catppuccin-mocha
  • terminal-dark: A theme that uses your terminals color and looks best if your terminal uses a dark color scheme. This means if your terminal background is e.g. transparent, or uses an image, the presentation will inherit that.
  • terminal-light: The same as terminal-dark but works best if your terminal uses a light color scheme.

Trying out built-in themes

All built-in themes can be tested by using the --list-themes parameter:

presenterm --list-themes

This will run a presentation where the same content is rendered using a different theme in each slide:


Loading custom themes

On startup, presenterm will look into the themes directory under the configuration directory (e.g. ~/.config/presenterm/themes in Linux) and will load any .yaml file as a theme and make it available as if it was a built-in theme. This means you can use it as an argument to the --theme parameter, use it in the property in a presentation's front matter, etc.

Theme definition

This section goes through the structure of the theme files. Have a look at some of the existing themes to have an idea of how to structure themes.

Root elements

The root attributes on the theme yaml files specify either:

  • A specific type of element in the input markdown or rendered presentation. That is, the slide title, headings, footer, etc.
  • A default to be applied as a fallback if no specific style is specified for a particular element.


presenterm uses the notion of alignment, just like you would have in a GUI editor, to align text to the left, center, or right. You probably want most elements to be aligned left, some to be aligned on the center, and probably none to the right (but hey, you're free to do so!).

The following elements support alignment:

  • Code blocks.
  • Slide titles.
  • The title, subtitle, and author elements in the intro slide.
  • Tables.

Left/right alignment

Left and right alignments take a margin property which specifies the number of columns to keep between the text and the left/right terminal screen borders.

The margin can be specified in two ways:


A specific number of characters regardless of the terminal size.

alignment: left
  fixed: 5

A percentage over the total number of columns in the terminal.

alignment: left
  percent: 8

Percent alignment tends to look a bit nicer as it won't change the presentation's look as much when the terminal size changes.

Center alignment

Center alignment has 2 properties:

  • minimum_size which specifies the minimum size you want that element to have. This is normally useful for code blocks as they have a predefined background which you likely want to extend slightly beyond the end of the code on the right.
  • minimum_margin which specifies the minimum margin you want, using the same structure as margin for left/right alignment. This doesn't play very well with minimum_size but in isolation it specifies the minimum number of columns you want to the left and right of your text.


Every element can have its own background/foreground color using hex notation:

    foreground: "ff0000"
    background: "00ff00"

Default style

The default style specifies:

  • The margin to be applied to all slides.
  • The colors to be used for all text.
    percent: 8
    foreground: "e6e6e6"
    background: "040312"

Intro slide

The introductory slide will be rendered if you specify a title, subtitle, or author in the presentation's front matter. This lets you have a less markdown-looking introductory slide that stands out so that it doesn't end up looking too monotonous:

title: Presenting from my terminal
sub_title: Like it's 1990
author: John Doe

The theme can specify:

  • For the title and subtitle, the alignment and colors.
  • For the author, the alignment, colors, and positioning (page_bottom and below_title). The first one will push it to the bottom of the screen while the second one will put it right below the title (or subtitle if there is one)

For example:

    alignment: left
      percent: 8
      foreground: black
    positioning: below_title

The footer currently comes in 3 flavors:


No footer at all!

  style: empty

Progress bar

A progress bar that will advance as you move in your presentation. This will by default use a block-looking character to draw the progress bar but you can customize it:

  style: progress_bar

  # Optional!
  character: πŸš€


A template footer that lets you put something on the left, center and/or right of the screen. The template strings can reference {current_slide} and {total_slides} which will be replaced with the current and total number of slides.

Besides those special variables, any of the attributes defined in the front matter can also be used:

  • title.
  • sub_title.
  • event.
  • location.
  • date.
  • author.
  style: template
  left: "My name is {author}"
  center: @myhandle
  right: "{current_slide} / {total_slides}"

Slide title

Slide titles, as specified by using a setext header, has the following properties:

  • padding_top which specifies the number of rows you want as padding before the text.
  • padding_bottom which specifies the number of rows you want as padding after the text.
  • separator which specifies whether you want a horizontal ruler after the text (and the padding_bottom):
  padding_bottom: 1
  padding_top: 1
  separator: true


Every header type (h1 through h6) can have its own style composed of:

  • The prefix you want to use.
  • The colors, just like any other element:
    prefix: "β–ˆβ–ˆ"
      foreground: "rgb_(48,133,195)"
    prefix: "β–“β–“β–“"
      foreground: "rgb_(168,223,142)"

Code blocks

The syntax highlighting for code blocks is done via the syntect crate. The list of all the supported built-in syntect themes is the following:

  • base16-ocean.dark
  • base16-eighties.dark
  • base16-mocha.dark
  • base16-ocean.light
  • InspiredGitHub
  • Solarized (dark)
  • Solarized (light)

Besides those and thanks to the work done on the awesome bat tool, presenterm has access to not only the built-in syntect's built-in themes but also the ones in bat. Run bat --list-themes to see a list of all of them.

Code blocks can also have an optional vertical and horizontal padding so your code is not too close to its bounding rectangle:

  theme_name: base16-eighties.dark
    horizontal: 2
    vertical: 1

Custom highlighting themes

Besides the built-in highlighting themes, you can drop any .tmTheme theme in the themes/highlighting directory under your configuration directory (e.g. ~/.config/presenterm/themes/highlighting in Linux) and they will be loaded automatically when presenterm starts.

Block quotes

For block quotes you can specify a string to use as a prefix in every line of quoted text:

  prefix: "▍ "


The mermaid graphs can be customized using the following parameters:

  • mermaid.background the background color passed to the CLI (e.g., transparent, red, #F0F0F0).
  • mermaid.theme the mermaid theme to use.
  background: transparent
  theme: dark

Extending themes

Custom themes can extend other custom or built in themes. This means it will inherit all the properties of the theme being extended by default.

For example:

extends: dark
    background: "000000"

This theme extends the built in dark theme and overrides the background color. This is useful if you find yourself almost liking a built in theme but there's only some properties you don't like.


presenterm currently supports a column layout that lets you split parts of your slides into column. This allows you to put text on one side, and code/images on the other, or really organize markdown into columns in any way you want.

This is done by using commands, just like pause and end_slide, in the form of HTML comments. This section describes how to use those.

Wait, why not HTML?

While markdown can contain HTML tags (beyond comments!) and we could represent this using divs with alignment, I don't really want to:

  1. Deal with HTML and all the implications this would have. e.g. nesting many divs together and all the chaos that would bring to the rendering code.
  2. Require people to write HTML when we have such a narrow use-case for it here: we only want column layouts.

Because of this, presenterm doesn't let you use HTML and instead has a custom way of specifying column layouts.

Column layout

The way to specify column layouts is by first creating a layout, and then telling presenterm you want to enter each of the column in it as you write your presentation.

Defining layouts

Defining a layout is done via the column_layout command, in the form of an HTML comment:

<!-- column_layout: [3, 2] -->

This defines a layout with 2 columns where:

  • The total number of "size units" is 3 + 2 = 5. You can think of this as the terminal screen being split into 5 pieces vertically.
  • The first column takes 3 out of those 5 pieces/units, or in other words 60% of the terminal screen.
  • The second column takes 2 out of those 5 pieces/units, or in other words 40% of the terminal screen.

You can use any number of columns and with as many units you want on each of them. This lets you decide how to structure the presentation in a fairly straightforward way.

Using columns

Once a layout is defined, you just need to specify that you want to enter a column before writing any text to it by using the column command:

<!-- column: 0 -->

Now all the markdown you write will be placed on the first column until you either:

  • Reset the layout by using the reset_layout command.
  • The slide ends.
  • You jump into another column by using the column command again.


The following example puts all of this together by defining 2 columns, one with some code and bullet points, another one with an image, and some extra text at the bottom that's not tied to any columns.

Layout example

<!-- column_layout: [2, 1] -->

<!-- column: 0 -->

This is some code I like:

fn potato() -> u32 {

Things I like about it:
1. Potato
2. Rust
3. The image on the right

<!-- column: 1 -->


_Picture by Alexis Bailey / CC BY-NC 4.0_

<!-- reset_layout -->

Because we just reset the layout, this text is now below both of the columns.

This would render the following way:

Other uses

Besides organizing your slides into columns, you can use column layouts to center a piece of your slide. For example, if you want a certain portion of your slide to be centered, you could define a column layout like [1, 3, 1] and then only write content into the middle column. This would make your content take up the center 60% of the screen.


presenterm allows you to customize its behavior via a configuration file. This file is stored, along with all of your custom themes, in the following directories:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/presenterm/ if that environment variable is defined, otherwise:
  • ~/.config/presenterm/ in Linux.
  • ~/Library/Application Support/presenterm/ in macOS.
  • ~/AppData/Roaming/presenterm/config/ in Windows.

The configuration file will be looked up automatically in the directories above under the name config.yaml. e.g. on Linux you should create it under ~/.config/presenterm/config.yaml. You can also specify a custom path to this file when running presenterm via the --config-path parameter.

A sample configuration file is provided in the repository that you can use as a base.


Options are special configuration parameters that can be set either in the configuration file under the options key, or in a presentation's front matter under the same key. This last one allows you to customize a single presentation so that it acts in a particular way. This can also be useful if you'd like to share the source files for your presentation with other people.

The supported configuration options are currently the following:


This option removes the need to use <!-- end_slide --> in between slides and instead assumes that if you use a slide title, then you're implying that the previous slide ended. For example, the following presentation:

  implicit_slide_ends: true

Tasty vegetables

* Potato

Awful vegetables

* Lettuce

Is equivalent to this "vanilla" one that doesn't use implicit slide ends.

Tasty vegetables

* Potato

<!-- end_slide -->

Awful vegetables

* Lettuce


This option allows using thematic breaks (---) as a delimiter between slides. When enabling this option, you can still use <!-- end_slide --> but any thematic break will also be considered a slide terminator.

  end_slide_shorthand: true

this is a slide


this is another slide


Because presenterm uses HTML comments to represent commands, it is necessary to make some assumptions on what is a command and what isn't. The current heuristic is:

  • If an HTML comment is laid out on a single line, it is assumed to be a command. This means if you want to use a real HTML comment like <!-- remember to say "potato" here -->, this will raise an error.
  • If an HTML comment is multi-line, then it is assumed to be a comment and it can have anything inside it. This means you can't have a multi-line comment that contains a command like pause inside.

Depending on how you use HTML comments personally, this may be limiting to you: you cannot use any single line comments that are not commands. To get around this, the command_prefix option lets you configure a prefix that must be set in all commands for them to be configured as such. Any single line comment that doesn't start with this prefix will not be considered a command.

For example:

  command_prefix: "cmd:"

<!-- remember to say "potato here" -->

Tasty vegetables

* Potato

<!-- cmd:pause -->

**That's it!**

In the example above, the first comment is ignored because it doesn't start with "cmd:" and the second one is processed because it does.


If you'd like all bullet points in all lists to show up with pauses in between you can enable the incremental_lists option:

  incremental_lists: true

* pauses
* in
* between

Keep in mind if you only want specific bullet points to show up with pauses in between, you can use the incremental_lists comment command.


This option tells presenterm you don't care about extra parameters in presentation's front matter. This can be useful if you're trying to load a presentation made for another tool. The following presentation would only be successfully loaded if you set strict_front_matter_parsing to false in your configuration file:

potato: 42

# Hi


The image size prefix (by default image:) can be configured to be anything you would want in case you don't like the default one. For example, if you'd like to set the image size by simply doing ![width:50%](path.png) you would need to set:

  image_attributes_prefix: ""



Defaults can only be configured via the configuration file.

Default theme

The default theme can be configured only via the config file. When this is set, every presentation that doesn't set a theme explicitly will use this one:

  theme: light

Terminal font size

This is a parameter that lets you explicitly set the terminal font size in use. This should not be used unless you are in Windows, given there's no (easy) way to get the terminal window size so we use this to figure out how large the window is and resize images properly. Some terminals on other platforms may also have this issue, but that should not be as common.

If you are on Windows or you notice images show up larger/smaller than they should, you can adjust this setting in your config file:

  terminal_font_size: 16

Preferred image protocol

By default presenterm will try to detect which image protocol to use based on the terminal you are using. In some cases this may fail, for example when using tmux. In those cases, you can explicitly set this via the --image-protocol parameter or the configuration key defaults.image_protocol:

  image_protocol: kitty-local

Possible values are:

  • auto: try to detect it automatically (default).
  • kitty-local: use the kitty protocol in "local" mode, meaning both presenterm and the terminal run in the same host and can share the filesystem to communicate.
  • kitty-remote: use the kitty protocol in "remote" mode, meaning presenterm and the terminal run in different hosts and therefore can only communicate via terminal escape codes.
  • iterm2: use the iterm2 protocol.
  • sixel: use the sixel protocol. Note that this requires compiling presenterm using the --features sixel flag.

Key bindings

Key bindings that presenterm uses can be manually configured in the config file via the bindings key. The following is the default configuration:

  # the keys that cause the presentation to move forwards.
  next: ["l", "j", "<right>", "<page_down>", "<down>", " "]

  # the keys that cause the presentation to move backwards.
  previous: ["h", "k", "<left>", "<page_up>", "<up>"]

  # the key binding to jump to the first slide.
  first_slide: ["gg"]

  # the key binding to jump to the last slide.
  last_slide: ["G"]

  # the key binding to jump to a specific slide.
  go_to_slide: ["<number>G"]

  # the key binding to execute a piece of shell code.
  execute_code: ["<c-e>"]

  # the key binding to reload the presentation.
  reload: ["<c-r>"]

  # the key binding to toggle the slide index modal.
  toggle_slide_index: ["<c-p>"] 

  # the key binding to toggle the key bindings modal.
  toggle_bindings: ["?"] 

  # the key binding to close the currently open modal.
  close_modal: ["<esc>"]

  # the key binding to close the application.
  exit: ["<c-c>", "q"]

  # the key binding to suspend the application.
  suspend: ["<c-z>"]

You can choose to override any of them. Keep in mind these are overrides so if for example you change next, the default won't apply anymore and only what you've defined will be used.

Snippet configurations

Snippet execution

Snippet execution is disabled by default for security reasons. Besides passing in the -x command line parameter every time you run presenterm, you can also configure this globally for all presentations by setting:

    enable: true

Use this at your own risk, especially if you're running someone else's presentations!

Snippet execution + replace

Snippet execution + replace is disabled by default for security reasons. Similar to +exec, this can be enabled by passing in the -X command line parameter or configuring it globally by setting:

    enable: true

Use this at your own risk. This will cause presenterm to execute code without user intervention so don't blindly enable this and open a presentation unless you trust its origin!

Custom snippet executors

If presenterm doesn't support executing code snippets for your language of choice, please create an issue! Alternatively, you can configure this locally yourself by setting:

      # The keys should be the language identifier you'd use in a code block.
        # The name of the file that will be created with your snippet's contents.
        filename: "snippet.cpp"

        # A list of environment variables that should be set before building/running your code.

        # A prefix that indicates a line that starts with it should not be visible but should be executed if the
        # snippet is marked with `+exec`.
        hidden_line_prefix: "/// "

        # A list of commands that will be ran one by one in the same directory as the snippet is in.
          # Compile if first
          - ["g++", "-std=c++20", "snippet.cpp", "-o", "snippet"]
          # Now run it 
          - ["./snippet"]

The output of all commands will be included in the code snippet execution output so if a command (like the g++ invocation) was to emit any output, make sure to use whatever flags are needed to mute its output.

Also note that you can override built-in executors in case you want to run them differently (e.g. use c++23 in the example above).

See more examples in the executors.yaml file which defines all of the built-in executors.

Snippet rendering threads

Because some +render code blocks can take some time to be rendered into an image, especially if you're using mermaid charts, this is run asychronously. The number of threads used to render these, which defaults to 2, can be configured by setting:

    threads: 2

Mermaid scaling

mermaid graphs will use a default scaling of 2 when invoking the mermaid CLI. If you'd like to change this use:

  scale: 2

Code highlighting

Code highlighting is supported for the following languages:

  • ada
  • asp
  • awk
  • bash
  • batchfile
  • C
  • cmake
  • crontab
  • C#
  • clojure
  • C++
  • CSS
  • D
  • diff
  • docker
  • dotenv
  • elixir
  • elm
  • erlang
  • go
  • haskell
  • HTML
  • java
  • javascript
  • json
  • kotlin
  • latex
  • lua
  • makefile
  • markdown
  • nix
  • ocaml
  • perl
  • php
  • protobuf
  • puppet
  • python
  • R
  • ruby
  • rust
  • scala
  • shell
  • sql
  • swift
  • svelte
  • toml
  • terraform
  • typescript
  • xml
  • yaml
  • vue
  • zig

Enabling line numbers

If you would like line numbers to be shown on the left of a code block use the +line_numbers switch after specifying the language in a code block:

```rust +line_numbers
   fn hello_world() {
       println!("Hello world");

Selective highlighting

By default, the entire code block will be syntax-highlighted. If instead you only wanted a subset of it to be highlighted, you can use braces and a list of either individual lines, or line ranges that you'd want to highlight.

```rust {1,3,5-7}
   fn potato() -> u32 {         // 1: highlighted
                                // 2: not highlighted
       println!("Hello world"); // 3: highlighted
       let mut q = 42;          // 4: not highlighted
       q = q * 1337;            // 5: highlighted
       q                        // 6: highlighted
   }                            // 7: highlighted

Dynamic highlighting

Similar to the syntax used for selective highlighting, dynamic highlighting will change which lines of the code in a code block are highlighted every time you move to the next/previous slide.

This is achieved by using the separator | to indicate what sections of the code will be highlighted at a given time. You can also use all to highlight all lines for a particular frame.

```rust {1,3|5-7}
   fn potato() -> u32 {

       println!("Hello world");
       let mut q = 42;
       q = q * 1337;

In this example, lines 1 and 3 will be highlighted initially. Then once you press a key to move to the next slide, lines 1 and 3 will no longer be highlighted and instead lines 5 through 7 will. This allows you to create more dynamic presentations where you can display sections of the code to explain something specific about each of them.

See this real example of how this looks like.


Including external code snippets

The file snippet type can be used to specify an external code snippet that will be included and highlighted as usual.

```file +exec +line_numbers
language: rust

Showing a snippet without a background

Using the +no_background flag will cause the snippet to have no background. This is useful when combining it with the +exec_replace flag described further down.

Snippet execution

Executing code blocks

Annotating a code block with a +exec attribute will make it executable. Pressing control+e when viewing a slide that contains an executable block, the code in the snippet will be executed and the output of the execution will be displayed on a box below it. The code execution is stateful so if you switch to another slide and then go back, you will still see the output.

```bash +exec
echo hello world

Code execution must be explicitly enabled by using either:

  • The -x command line parameter when running presenterm.
  • Setting the snippet.exec.enable property to true in your presenterm config file.

The list of languages that support execution are:

  • bash
  • c++
  • c
  • fish
  • go
  • java
  • js
  • kotlin
  • lua
  • nushell
  • perl
  • php
  • python
  • ruby
  • rust
  • rust-script: this highlights as normal Rust but uses rust-script to execute the snippet so it lets you use dependencies.
  • sh
  • zsh

If there's a language that is not in this list and you would like it to be supported, please create an issue providing details on how to compile (if necessary) and run snippets for that language. You can also configure how to run code snippet for a language locally in your config file.


Note: because this is spawning a process and executing code, you should use this at your own risk.

Executing and replacing

Similar to +exec, +exec_replace causes a snippet to be executable but:

  • Execution happens automatically without user intervention.
  • The snippet will be automatically replaced with its execution output.

This can be useful to run programs that generate some form of ASCII art that you'd like to generate dynamically.


Because of the risk involved in +exec_replace, where code gets automatically executed when running a presentation, this requires users to explicitly opt in to it. This can be done by either passing in the -X command line parameter or setting the snippet.exec_replace.enable flag in your configuration file to true.

Executing snippets that need a TTY

If you're trying to execute a program like top that needs to run on a TTY as it renders text, clears the screen, etc, you can use the +acquire_terminal modifier on a code already marked as executable with +exec. Executing snippets tagged with these two attributes will cause presenterm to suspend execution, the snippet will be invoked giving it the raw terminal to do whatever it needs, and upon its completion presenterm will resume its execution.


Styled execution output

Snippets that generate output which contains escape codes that change the colors or styling of the text will be parsed and displayed respecting those styles. Do note that you may need to force certain tools to use colored output as they will likely not use it by default.

For example, to get colored output when invoking ls you can use:

```bash +exec
ls /tmp --color=always

The parameter or way to enable this will depend on the tool being invoked.

Hiding code lines

When you mark a code snippet as executable via the +exec flag, you may not be interested in showing all the lines to your audience, as some of them may not be necessary to convey your point. For example, you may want to hide imports, non-essential functions, initialization of certain variables, etc. For this purpose, presenterm supports a prefix under certain programming languages that let you indicate a line should be executed when running the code but should not be displayed in the presentation.

For example, in the following code snippet only the print statement will be displayed but the entire snippet will be ran:

# fn main() {
println!("Hello world!");
# }

Rather than blindly relying on a prefix that may have a meaning in a language, prefixes are chosen on a per language basis. The languages that are supported and their prefix is:

  • rust: # .
  • python/bash/fish/shell/zsh/kotlin/java/javascript/typescript/c/c++/go: /// .

This means that any line in a rust code snippet that starts with # will be hidden, whereas all lines in, say, a golang code snippet that starts with a /// will be hidden.


Some languages support pre-rendering. This means the code block is transformed into something else when the presentation is loaded. The languages that currently support this are mermaid, LaTeX, and typst where the contents of the code block is transformed into an image, allowing you to define formulas as text in your presentation. This can be done by using the +render attribute on a code block.

See the LaTeX and typst and mermaid docs for more information.

Adding highlighting syntaxes for new languages

presenterm uses the syntaxes supported by bat to highlight code snippets, so any languages supported by bat natively can be added to presenterm easily. Please create a ticket or use this as a reference to submit a pull request to make a syntax officially supported by presenterm as well.

If a language isn't natively supported by bat but you'd like to use it, you can follow this guide in the bat docs and invoke bat directly in a presentation:

```bash +exec_replace
bat --color always

PDF export

Presentations can be converted into PDF by using a helper tool. You can install it by running:

pip install presenterm-export

Note: make sure that presenterm-export works by running presenterm-export --version before attempting to generate a PDF file. If you get errors related to weasyprint, follow their installation instructions to ensure you meet all of their dependencies. This has otherwise caused issues in macOS.

The only external dependency you'll need is tmux. After you've installed both of these, simply run presenterm with the --export-pdf parameter to generate the output PDF:

presenterm --export-pdf examples/

The output PDF will be placed in examples/demo.pdf. The size of each page will depend on the size of your terminal so make sure to adjust accordingly before running the command above.

Note: if you're using a separate virtual env to install presenterm-export just make sure you activate it before running presenterm with the --export-pdf parameter.

How it works

The conversion into PDF format is pretty convoluted. If you'd like to learn more visit presenterm-export's repo.


mermaid snippets can be converted into images automatically in any code snippet tagged with the mermaid language and a +render tag:

```mermaid +render
    Mark --> Bob: Hello!
    Bob --> Mark: Oh, hi mark!

This requires having mermaid-cli installed.

Note that because the mermaid CLI will spin up a browser under the hood, this may not work in all environments and can also be a bit slow (e.g. ~2 seconds to generate every image). Mermaid graphs are rendered asynchronously by a number of threads that can be configured in the configuration file. This configuration value currently defaults to 2.

The size of the rendered image can be configured by changing:

For example, this diagram will take up 50% of the width of the window and will preserve its aspect ratio:

```mermaid +render +width:50%
    Mark --> Bob: Hello!
    Bob --> Mark: Oh, hi mark!

It is recommended to change the mermaid.scale parameter until images look big enough and then adjust on an image by image case if necessary using the +width attribute. Otherwise, using a small scale and then scaling via +width may cause the image to become blurry.


The theme of the rendered mermaid diagrams can be changed through the following theme parameters:

  • mermaid.background the background color passed to the CLI (e.g., transparent, red, #F0F0F0).
  • mermaid.theme the mermaid theme to use.

LaTeX and typst

latex and typst code blocks can be marked with the +render attribute (see highlighting) to have them rendered into images when the presentation is loaded. This allows you to define formulas in text rather than having to define them somewhere else, transform them into an image, and them embed it.



The engine used to render both of these languages is typst. typst is easy to install, lightweight, and boilerplate free as compared to LaTeX.


For LaTeX code rendering, besides typst you will need to install pandoc. How this works is the LaTeX code you write gets transformed into typst code via pandoc and then rendered by using typst. This lets us:

  • Have the same look/feel on generated formulas for both languages.
  • Avoid having to write lots of boilerplate LaTeX to make rendering for that language work.
  • Have the same logic to render formulas for both languages, except with a small preparation step for LaTeX.

Controlling PPI

presenterm lets you define how many Pixels Per Inch (PPI) you want in the generated images. This is important because as opposed to images that you manually include in your presentation, where you control the exact dimensions, the images generated on the fly will have a fixed size. Configuring the PPI used during the conversion can let you adjust this: the higher the PPI, the larger the generated images will be.

Because as opposed to most configurations this is a very environment-specific config, the PPI parameter is not part of the theme definition but is instead has to be set in presenterm's config file:

  ppi: 400

The default is 300 so adjust it and see what works for you.

Image paths

If you're including an image inside a typst snippet, you must:

  • Use absolute paths, e.g. #image("/image1.png").
  • Place the image in the same or a sub path of the path where the presentation is. That is, if your presentation file is at /tmp/foo/, you can place images in /tmp/foo, and /tmp/foo/bar but not under /tmp/bar. This is because of the absolute path rule above: the path will be considered to be relative to the presentation file's directory.

Controlling the image size

You can also set the generated image's size on a per code snippet basis by using the +width modifier which specifies the width of the image as a percentage of the terminal size.

```typst +render +width:50%
$f(x) = x + 1$


The colors and margin of the generated images can be defined in your theme:

    background: ff0000
    foreground: 00ff00

  # In points
  horizontal_margin: 2
  vertical_margin: 2


The following example:

# Formulas

```latex +render
\[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} 2^{-n} = 1 \]

Is rendered like this:

Parsing and rendering

This document goes through the internals of how we take a markdown file and finish rendering it into the terminal screen.


Markdown file parsing is done via the comrak crate. This crate parses the markdown file and gives you back an AST that contains the contents and structure of the input file.

ASTs are a logical way of representing the markdown file but this structure makes it a bit hard to process. Given our ultimate goal is to render this input, we want it to be represented in a way that facilitates that. Because of this we first do a pass on this AST and construct a list of MarkdownElements. This enum represents each of the markdown elements in a flattened, non-recursive, way:

  • Inline text is flattened so that instead of having a recursive structure you have chunks of text, each with their own style. So for example the text "hello my name is bob" which would look like a 3 level tree (I think?) in the AST, gets transformed to something like [Bold(hello), ItalicsBold(my name is), ItalicsBoldStrikethrough(bob)] (names are completely not what they are in the code, this is just to illustrate flattening). This makes it much easier to render text because we don't need to walk the tree and keep the state between levels.
  • Lists are flattened into a single MarkdownElement::List element that contains a list of items that contain their text, prefix ("*" for bullet lists), and nesting depth. This also simplifies processing as list elements can also contain formatted text so we would otherwise have the same problem as above.

This first step then produces a list of elements that can easily be processed.

Building the presentation

The format above is nicer than an AST but it's still not great to be used as the input to the code that renders the presentation for various reasons:

  • The presentation needs to be styled, which means we need to apply a theme on top of it to transform it. Putting this responsibility in the render code creates too much coupling: now the render needs to understand markdown and how themes work.
  • The render code tends to be a bit annoying: we need to jump around in the screen, print text, change colors, etc. If we add the responsibility of transforming the markdown into visible text to the render code itself, we end up having a mess of UI code mixed with the markdown element processing.
  • Some elements can't be printed as-is. For example, a list item has text and a prefix, so we don't want the render code to be in charge of understanding and executing those transformations.

Because of this, we introduce a step in between parsing and rendering where we build a presentation. A presentation is made up of a list of slides and each slide is made up of render operations. Render operations are the primitives that the render code understands to print text on the screen. These can be the following, among others:

  • Render text.
  • Clear the screen.
  • Set the default colors to be used.
  • Render a line break.
  • Jump to the middle of the screen.

This allows us to have a simple model where the logic that takes markdown elements and a theme and chooses how it will be rendered is in one place, and the logic that takes those instructions and executes them is elsewhere. So for example, this step will take a bullet point and concatenate is suffix ("*" for bullet points for example), turn that into a single string and generate a "render text" operation.

This has the nice added bonus that the rendering code doesn't have to be fiddling around with string concatenation or other operations that could take up CPU cycles: it just takes these render operations and executes them. Not that performance matters here but it's nice to get better performance for free.

Render a slide

The rendering code is straightforward and simply takes the current slide, iterates all of its rendering operations, and executes those one by one. This is done via the crossterm crate.

The only really complicated part is fitting text into the screen. Because we apply our own margins, we perform word splitting and wrapping around manually, so there's some logic that takes the text to be printed and the width of the terminal and splits it accordingly.

Note that this piece of code is the only one aware of the current screen size. This lets us forget in previous steps about how large the screen is and simply delegate that responsibility to this piece.

Entire flow


This tool is heavily inspired by:

Support for code highlighting on many languages is thanks to bat, which contains a custom set of syntaxes that extend syntect's default set of supported languages. Run presenterm --acknowledgements to get a full list of all the licenses for the binary files being pulled in.


Thanks to everyone who's contributed to presenterm in one way or another! This is a list of the users who have contributed code to make presenterm better in some way: